Effective Management of Your Little Rock Area Association
Fletcher Property Management offers your association the following services as specified in the management agreement. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship.
Our Association Services:
Monthly Accounting Services
Reconciliation of Association operation and reserve bank accounts,
Assessment payments posted,
Preparation & delivery of bank deposits,
Timely payment of all invoices,
Preparation of financial reports to BOD – Balance Sheet, Income & Expense and others as agreed
Annual Accounting Services
Preparation of annual budget,
Assistance to CPA for tax return preparation
Reserve Planning
Assistance in creation and maintenance of a 20 year Reserve Study to help ensure adequate available funds for capital improvements and any currently deferred maintenance
Maintenance Services
Preparation of request for proposal and obtaining bids for work as outlined by the BOD,
Assign routine maintenance as authorized,
Available pool of qualified, licensed and insured trades people
Collection Services
Monthly statements of account to Association members with a balance due,
Oversee lien filings and release of liens by Arkansas attorney
Administrative Services
Creation and maintenance of an Association web page at,
Covenant enforcement